How to Change Windows 10 Start Menu Shortcuts

My reply for a reddit question ( How to rename a shortcut (tile) in the start menu? ) Find the shortcut you want to rename in either: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs ...


  In rare occasions you may encounter database/sync errors with Evernote. I aim to preserve the system partition (C: ) as clean as possible and for that reason I install application to a separate DATA partition, to take matters further I also change the settings folders of those...

How to remove unknown accounts from Windows

When checking file/folder permissions you may encounter some strange account names with question marks. These are "Security Identifiers" (abbreviated as SID; wiki definition: unique, immutable identifier of a user, user group, or other security principal), possibly left from removed...

Prevent Steam Form Auto Updating Games

Not everyone has broadband (25Mbps according to FCC) Internet to not care about automatic downloads of huge amounts of data in the background. So most people try to limit their unnecessary usage as much as possible. For this reason it came as a surprise for me when I saw that Steam client,...

Windows Live Writer Blogger Account Error

Google actively encourages its users to enable two factor verification for passwords. While this increases security, it also causes minor inconveniences. After a long inactive period I have decided to blog more regularly and for that installed Windows Live Writer, but while trying to...

Google Reader Enhancements

Among all Google services Reader could be the only one for me that doesn't have a good alternative. I can use Bing for searching, Outlook for mail, BingMaps for maps etc but when it comes to an RSS Reader I don't know any good service out there with the same functionality as GReader....

Installing Applications on Ubuntu/Mint

There are several ways to install an application on Linux; you can either compile it from source code, you can find the application in prepackaged deb/rpm file and use a package resolver (you can think of it like msi files on Windows), or you can use a package manager. 1 - Compiling...

How to Enable Broadcom Drivers on Ubuntu and Mint without a Wired Connection

Both Ubuntu and Mint do not have a problem a wired connection like other Linux distros, and they work without any need for a configuration. But if you don't have a wired connection, all you have is a wireless network, you will need to install the required wireless drivers first. This...

How to Create a Live USB Linux Without a Hard Drive

After my hard drive crashed the only option left for me to use my computer before buying a new hard drive was to boot from a liveCD. That way I could at least do some basic stuff like surfing the Internet or read and write some papers. But the problem was I haven't got any Linux CDs...

Be Prepared for a Hard Drive Disaster

I know Windows very well, and I was prepared for every disaster that could come from software failures. I was using a Vista for more than four years without any format, and only couple of BSODs (blue screen of death). But I wasn't prepared for hardware failures. I thought there would...

Bill Gates' Post PC Predictions from 1993

From Overdrive:Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace (March 1993, Bill Gates' speech at the Sheraton Hotel in Maitland, Orlando): "He talked about a coming mass market for information and about how communications technology would liberate computers from the desktop. Digital information, Gates said, would be available anywhere, anytime, beamed to devices that hardly resembled...

How to Increase Text Size in Skype

If you are having troubles reading the messages in Skype you can easily change the text size to suit your needs. Here is how you can do it: 1-Once you signed it, go to tools / options 2-From there, click on IM&SMS, and then IM appearance 3-You will see the option for changing...

Convert FLV Videos to MP4 Without Re-encoding

Most of the online videos are served in flv container. While the container itself is OK it doesn’t have the same capabilities as an MP4 format. For example you cannot properly tag your music videos. In WinAmp when you click Alt+3 (view file info) nothing comes up. You can edit metadata,...

Youtube Videos Without Sound

A few days ago I updated both Chrome and Adobe Flash installations, but then I started having problems with online flash videos. Video was showing all right but there was no audio. It wasn’t happening every time but it was quite often. I tried reinstalling Adobe Flash but that didn’t...

Missing System Icons on Notification Area

Every once in a while you may encounter this error of not having the system icons on notification area. It usually happens after waking Windows from sleep mode or if you have restarted your computer just after a fresh start up. This is not a permanent problem as the icons came back...