True Life True Blood
I've always liked vampires in fiction but ever since playing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines my interest grew even further. To day I've watched all the episodes of The KindredThe product (!) on the left should be very familiar with True Blood fans. In series mankind (and vampires) finally was able to create the synthetic blood and therefore eliminating the need for human blood.
This is for the hidden vampires among you. Now you can finally satisfy your thirst for blood without killing anybody, not even rabbits. And it is not just for vampires even ordinary people can benefit from this life energy. It contains iron, protein, and electrolytes which can energize you for 4 hours. You can pre order it for just $5.99 a pack.
Most Popular Standalone Offline Installers
Online installers became a trend in program distribution where you download a small installer around 1mb of size and then use this installer to pull the actual installer from the distributor's servers. There are a couple of annoyances with this method; it's hard to transfer the installer from one computer to another computer (you may need this if you have a slow internet connection), if you encounter a problem with your installation you are required to download the whole program again, you can't backup your installer etc.So to remedy this problem here are standalone offline installers for some of the most popular programs that show only the online installers on their website.
Digsby (found via tmsnetwork )
Google Earth
Google Chrome
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) - EN-Vista/7
Picasa 3.8
AVG Free
Adobe Flash for IE (32bit)
Adobe Flash for Other Browsers (32bit)
Yahoo Messenger
3DVIA Shape 4.0
for other software visit
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